Saturday, January 10, 2015

Read the Bible FOR a year.

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    I've never been one to look forward to sitting down each day and enjoying quiet time reading through the word. I think it may be for the simple fact that every plan I tried was just over my head and not really relevant, therefore I was not interested. I met with a dear friend a few weeks ago and she said "I'm not here to tell you this and that are wrong, because you know that. And even if you have the knowledge that something isn't the way it should be, Satan knows too. Satan does this thing to God's people, where he knows what is right and wrong and does everything he can to pull you away from what is right. One way to fight the devil off is to know that the Bible is full of people just like you and me - people who make mistakes. The people in the Bible find a way to set their eyes on God in the end no matter how far away they were pulled. Reading God's word is supposed to be engrained in your brain so that you have the ability to say STOP, I know there is hope because the word tells me so." Well, I left the conversation feeling great and overwhelmed at the same time. Figuring out another reading plan? That's where I fail every time. Two days later I was at church and the pastor talks about his reading plan and it was eye opening and very do-able.
     Reading the entire Bible in 365 days would give me what? Probably a certificate because it wouldn't sink in for me. Reading the Bible FOR 365 gives me what? Knowledge, power, grace, hope, confidence. I shouldn't be reading a plan that isn't relevant to my life and experiences, I should be reading the word that is designed to help me fight off the devil when he tries to pull me away from God. Pastor Brian gave us his plan and every single day I honestly can't wait to get home and open up my bible and write down how relevant it is to my life. So here it is:
Start with prayer (thank God for all He is and has done, speak wants and desires into practice, ask Him to speak through the words you are about to read, amen)
Read a part of all 4 sections every time--

Psalms (They don't have to be new ones every day, they should be something your heart connects with. Stick with a few favorites and get to know them inside and out.)

Proverbs (There are 31 of these meant for each day of the month, if today is the 8th, read Proverbs 8. You will get to read each one approximately 12 times over a year.)

The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John ... These guys tell some of the same stories from different viewpoints. Search for a heading that's relevant and really apply it to your life.)

The Epistles (GEPC- Galations, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians. Yes there are more epistles, but start with these four and really learn what the church and what children of God are meant to be.)

Then you pray, pray, pray.

Reading the word this way is so relevant to my life and experiences and even if I'm not able to quote exactly where a verse comes from every single time, I'll be able to fight the devil by telling him I know the truth.

I'm not saying this is everyone's plan, but it's mine right now and it seems to have taken the overwhelming frustration out of my reading of the word, so I'm going to keep on learning. I don't want a certificate, I want a relationship.

We are all in the world, but let's really come together as children of God and let's not BE IN THE WORLD, let's be salt and light!

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